Posts Tagged ‘school’

It would’ve been nice to know that no one gets their welcoming email until after the challenge is over. I’ve been dying for days and then someone nonchalantly states tells me that and I’m like:

But, now that I know this, I slept much better last night. I didn’t think of Hogwarts or Pigfarts or anything magical last night. Just my welcoming email coming either later today or tomorrow (it doesn’t even matter anymore), my vacation coming up, and missing the first two days of school.

Let’s see… 1000 words minus the 670 I got done today…. so that’s 330 words andĀ 330/2 is 165 words. So if saturday and sunday I type 165 words I’ll be able to have 1000 words for my analysis paper! If I can come up with 330 more words to insert into this paper that is… xO!!! *sigh* I didn’t think this paper would be as complicated as it is. This is a real drag… BUT (!!!!!!!) I saw Rio today šŸ˜€ HIL-LAR-IOUS!!! I’m definitely adding it to my must buy DVD list! Awesome movie.

Happy Anniversary Ron!!!!

Posted: 25 March, 2011 in Fun, Okinawa
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2 years ago, today, I had my first lunch detention on Okinawa. I had a couple of lunch detentions before, but when I came to Okinawa, since I only had one semester left, I made a resolutionĀ  to not have any more. Buuuuut on March 25th, 2009, I had a lunch detention… for fogettingĀ something…. my Outsiders book I think. I think I’ll reread that for my 52…. šŸ™‚ The teacher who gave me my lunch detention is still my teacher. Just now he’s for Liturature instead of Language Arts. So, yeah, Happy Anniversary Ronald.