Archive for March, 2011

Happy Anniversary Ron!!!!

Posted: 25 March, 2011 in Fun, Okinawa
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2 years ago, today, I had my first lunch detention on Okinawa. I had a couple of lunch detentions before, but when I came to Okinawa, since I only had one semester left, I made a resolution  to not have any more. Buuuuut on March 25th, 2009, I had a lunch detention… for fogetting something…. my Outsiders book I think. I think I’ll reread that for my 52…. 🙂 The teacher who gave me my lunch detention is still my teacher. Just now he’s for Liturature instead of Language Arts. So, yeah, Happy Anniversary Ronald.


Posted: 20 March, 2011 in All work


Today was uneventful.

Posted: 18 March, 2011 in no play

I hate geometry.
I’m sick of school.
I’m just done.

xO nyeh.


Posted: 13 March, 2011 in Uncategorized

This is where my “nyeh” comes from.


Posted: 12 March, 2011 in Uncategorized

Sorry Mika, you are not getting any of my ice cream.


Posted: 11 March, 2011 in March 2011

Yesterday there was a typhoon at around 5 30pm. We were evacuated to Foster. Don’t worry, we’re alive :).

11 March 2011

Posted: 11 March, 2011 in March 2011

 The world spins too fast. There aren’t nearly enough seconds in a day to appreciate our youth. I find myself losing the minutes and longing for them to stay if only a few seconds longer than they already do. BUT that’s life.

A1 – Honors History
He asked if Adrian was a good artist but then he was like “No, Zoey is better.” and I said “No ways.” and we went back and forth downplaying both our mad drawing skills ( he is better than me though) but then Hogen asked who was better at surreal and we both shut up and looked at the other like “I can’t draw surreal for my LIFE.” So, yeah. Whatever it is he wanted he never went on about it and now I is curious.

A2 – Japanese
SOMETHING INTERESTING FINALLY HAPPENED!!! Okokokokok so in my japanese class we have to get into partners and memorize lines. The lines look pretty much like:

Ken: ohayou gozaimasu emi-san.
Emi: ohayou, ken-san!
Ken: Emi-san wa ogenki desu ka?
Emi: hai, ogenki desu.

Then, we have to stand up front and recite the lines. The thing is the teacher chooses our partners for us. We all pretty much are okay with each other but there are a few people who it’s just annoying to be paired up with and several people who STRONGLY dislike each other. So, I got paired up with this chick that sits next to me and her friend that sits in front of her got paired up with my friend (he sits all the way on the other side of the classroom). SO (in case you couldn’t guess) the chick I was paired with has a tiny little crush on him. SO, of course, her friend asked to switch with her. Which, (again) of course, the teacher said no to. Because God forbid we go against the flashcards!!! (BY THE BY Lent is going great I read like the first 3 pages of the Bible and didn’t eat any meat today :D). So, Sam was rude to Akira and Kira was trying to convince Sam to be nice while I tried to get Kira to focus on our work. It was kind of sad.

A3 – nuthin to report….

B Lunch – Dropped in and saw Coia was semi- back. Teased him about HMC and then headed off to lunch detention x(.

A4 – P.E. (aka legal torture)
Push-ups and sit ups x(!!!!!  I did 12 puch-ups and 12 sit-ups which, in the gradebook, is a c and an F.  I hate the standards of these people!!!

10 March 2011

Posted: 10 March, 2011 in March 2011

First full day of lent. I feel kind of bad because I had a turkey sandwich for lunch… It’s my fault for being too lazy to pack my own lunch. And my mom isn’t catholic (like my dad, my brother and I.)… so she probably forgot all about lent. She didn’t even take us to church to get our ashes. SOOO yeah *bad catholic girl* i know i know…

Oh yeah, so the way it looks…. I’m not going to LinguaFest x( Yeah… sadness. And what makes it even worse is that I am the FIRST alternate. *slams head against wall* When the teacher in charge told me that it felt as if he gave me a plane ticket and then asked me to give it to someone else the next time I saw them. Needless to say, I was pretty pissed/ frustrated/ mad/ sad… but hey at least Averi is going so I can be like “BUY ME THIS!!! DO THAT!!!” And she can’t make me wake up at 4 in the morning to go Jazzercising (sp?) with her. 

Okay, so since I didn’t post yesterday here’s an update school wise:

A1- Honors History 
Hogen was on a roll. He was cracking jokes left and right and some of them were actually funny. Of course, the most notable part was when we were talking about… I think beaches…(?)… anywhat he said something about going out in a speedo and everone was like eww (except Christina xD jkjkjk) and then Hogen says 
“What’s wrong with a speedo?” and… well…. we’re high schoolers. Cut us some slack. Teacher + Speedo = OMFG WHERE’S MY CAMERA?!?! 
Well, at least that’s how the math works out in my head.

*skipping A2 because it was boring*

A3 – Archtechural Drawing
Or at least that’s were I was SUPPOSED to be. I was in the principal’s office. I wasn’t in trouble, mind you, I was having an ASB meeting! So important that I was excused from going to class. The whole time I was thinking “Yup, achedemics are definatley most important @ our school. Unless, of course if you’re in ASB then don’t worry about achedemics.” Our principal is pretty weird though… and something about the way he talks just gets on my last nerve…. What was even worse was that our meeting had several points where we could’ve ended it. Halfway through (like 50 minutes or so of talking and grasping for random topics) I was mentally screaming “WHY?!??! END IT ALREADY!!! MEETING ADJURNED!!!”  But nobody listens to the silent one in red.

A4 – Physical Education (aka legal torture.)
I die doing 10 push-ups. What makes these people think I can run a friggin mile?!? Plus, if I ever need to run it’ll be for my life and then all I need to do is run faster than the person I’m with and I’ll be fine.So yeah, I can run a mile in 10 minutes and 8 seconds. But, of course, that’s running after lunch, on a school day, while I’m tired and just want to go home. Not in a life/death situation where my wellbeing depends on it and when I have an adrenaline rush. But again… nobody listens… or cares.


I said the pledge today. It’s fun but I only enjoy doing it on my day. If it’s somebody elses day then I am NOT happy up there. Marissa said the oath in Japanese and I was SOOOOO jealous. I wish I sounded that good speaking japanese… I sound like the little Puerto Rican/ Nicaraguan I am. *sigh*

A1- Geometry
As I said, I said the pledge today. So, I was late to class. I walk in and he’s already started class. People were in different seats so I was a little confused as to where to sit but I couldn’t ask since he was in the middle of talking. So, I just sat down next to a friend of mine. Bad idea? Yes. But hey. As long as I’m not next to those other loud chicks. I’m set. Luckly we are DONE with chapter 11 and now we go to the god math. Die hard algebra that not even HE can mess up for me. Yes, yes. I know I said I loath math but I only kind of dislike algebra. At least it makes sense… So yeah back to the easy stuff from last year~!! Equal equations~ easy! easy! easy!  ^_^

B2 – Chemistry
Turned in stuffez. Actually it was pretty boring… mhm… didn’t seem so at the time….

B3 – Honors LIturature
*SIGH* more doll house… I think I don’t like this story because of how annoyingly steriotyped it is. And then again it’s shocking at how heartless my classmates are. Feeling no sympathy for Nora, the main character. BUT something hilarious did happen today. Appearantly, Akeia isn’t the only W.O.W. player. Mrs. Downs and Mrs. Norwood play too. The were ranbling on and on about blood elves and goblins. Meanwhile everyone (except Akeia) was like “ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!”

B4 – Seminar
A very productive class… sometimes. Not today though 😉 .

FIRST SESSION: Appearantly, postrehab Demi Lovato is fat and our teacher was trying to pull up at picture of her but we couldn’t find a good one. Then we looked up My liturature teacher’s blog (*** My TEACHER TEACHER is on “leave” I don’t know what they call it but he’s not teaching us for 2 weeks) to see his new baby that he adopted. HE’S (the baby) SO ASIAN :’D

I WILL POST THE VIDEO LATER. But I have three words: Teachers and basketball.

*WHISTLES* dang… I thought this was going to be a short post too… geezus.

now it is gone 😦

March 8th, 2011

Posted: 8 March, 2011 in March 2011

Herro, How is you? Yeah another day, another person is born, another person dies. Someone just screamed/ cried/ laughed. What did I do? I signed up for another blog site which I’ll use on occasion and then completely forget about and then twenty odd years later remember it and start posting again. But hell, at least today was somewhat eventful for the life I lead.

The school I go to is broken up into A days and B days. Today was a B day.

B1 – Geometry
Fun fact about Zmac: I loath math. If I can avoid it, I will. And quite frankly, I think I can honestly say that my Geometry teacher hates me. I usually think that teachers either like you or are indifferent about you but I think he might actually hate me. It’s not my fault I am hopeless in math!!! Ok.. maybe it’s my fault a little but if he bothered helping me maybe I wouldn’t be as horrid as I am. NYEH!!

B2 – Chemistry
Another class I’m not doing too hot in. However, my teacher in this class is at least trying to help me. We did this clay lab (something about VSEPR???) and it was fun. 🙂 too bad I won’t remember it 15 ~ 20 years from now. Unless, of course, if I happen to reread this post. In which case, herro future me :D.

B3 – Liturature
Favorite class <3333 Not a big surprize. Reading a moderately boring story A Dolls House. Meh, you can’t like ’em all I guess.

B LUNCH – Lunch detention (aka forced study hall)
I already said that my geometry teach hates me, right? Well, yeah. BECAUSE of that (and my own failure in Chem) I spent MY  lunch in a not so happy (yet somehow very happy) lunch detention room. Kind of fun… oddly…. don’t wanna go back though. (Even though I have to all week xO)

AFTER SCHOOL – Back to Geometry… &*#$&#$&#%#&%R#&#(*
NYEH~!!!! Needed to finish a test. I only have one particular thing to quote from this ‘conversation’ with my teacher.

Teacher: What are we going to do with you?
Me: Give me a passing grade and pass me on to the next teacher?
Teacher: *laughs and shakes head*

and my day is only half way done…. *siiiigggghhhh*